Let's talk about cupcakes

posted on: Thursday, September 5, 2013

Okay. If you've never experienced Sprinkles, then you are missing out. The cupcake craze is certainly sweeping the nation — the delicious Bird Bakery (owned by Elizabeth Chambers and Armie Hammer) opened in S.A. a few months before I left — but Sprinkles is the true cupcake original. Sure, they're $3.50 each, but I'm tellin' ya, you get what you pay for: a giant, flavorful cupcake worth every crumb and every bit of that rich, decadent cream cheese frosting.

But as if that weren't enough, now I can get a Sprinkles cupcake TWENTY-FOUR-SEVEN at the Cupcake ATM. The electronic menu shows the available flavors, you swipe your card and BAM, out pops a fresh cupcake ready to be inhaled. This video says it all.

I think it's safe to say I found my newest indulgence addiction.


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